Monday, January 19, 2009

My 14 year old

I have never thought about creating a blog until now. My mom called me in a panic today because my 14 year old dog collapsed, was unresponsive, and she couldn't decide if bringing him to the vet or waiting until his best friend, my father, returned at 10pm to decide to put him to sleep. His eyes were open all day. I checked in with my mom to see if anything had changed all day. I asked her to put the phone to his ear so that maybe I could bring him to. I couldn't. It has been a rather sad MKL day as a result. The good news is that my dad is home and has him on a blanket. We think he may have eaten something that caused some disarray with his stomach. He had an ear up when my parents and I last spoke, so I think he will make it through to the morning. I fully believe that if any dog can make it, my Doglett surely can. If he gets to tired to get up, my Dad's best friend is going to take him in the morning to fall asleep. I know my 14 year old Jordan has lived a wonderful life. And i made a great eggplant Parmesan to get him through the night.

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